APW - E Howard & Co, Boston, series VII, horse grade, N-S (just over 19S), heavy 14K EH&Co original HC by Keller & Untermeyer, gold cuvette bearing presentation, "Capt L V Clark from Jefferson Volunteers, May 15th 1889," SW-SS, WE-SSD, lever escapement, 15J, GJS, gilt mvt, s#213165. Gross weight of assembled watch 78.4 dwt (121.9 g). Fortunately, some history has been published in the book, "Southern Martyrs" by Sergeant M Koenigsberg in 1898, which states under the roster of the Jefferson Volunteers, "No company in the First Alabama ranked higher on drill than the Jefferson Volunteers. Organized in 1888 as a zouave company, the "J. V's" never failed to distinguish themselves at every encampment they attended. Louis V. Clark was the company's first captain. Under the efficient command of Captain Clark, who afterward became brigadier general of the state militia, the company was readily recognized as a crack zouave team." Our thanks go to the Jefferson County Alabama Genealogy Trials History Group for their web publication.
Mvt: GRO, fine mvt condition overall, little gilding remaining; dial with blue hl under 7 and another below seconds; hands fine, blackened; case shows substantial wear, profuse MFS, some deep scratches in front, minor dents or dings to covers and band, ET detail gone, shadow of one button remains; bow tight, worn sharply thin at apex, crown shows substantial smooth wear and break with minor loss to remnant cladding; good glass crystal.